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Cloudera pricing & licensing updates

Latest update:  February 2023 


Subscription for binary access

A subscription is required for all Cloudera software version releases including software binaries, maintenance and security releases, and new product releases.  Customers and developers will be able to access our products with a subscription agreement with Cloudera.


What’s included in a subscription

World-class technical support, for a start. More importantly, access to an enterprise data platform, built from 50+ open source software projects, that is integrated, tested, optimized, and hardened for enterprise scale, security, and reliability. In addition to support and binary access, a subscription entitles a customer to version upgrades, maintenance releases, bug fixes, and security patches. 



CDP pricing

Pricing for both CDP Public Cloud services and the new CDP Private Cloud software is Compute-Based, the industry standard for cloud data management and analytics.


CDP Private Cloud overview

CDP Private Cloud is two products; CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Private Cloud Data Services. Cloudera simplified the acquisition of our Private Cloud Data Services - Data Warehouse, Machine Learning, and Data Engineering service. CDP Private Cloud Data Services is charged on a compute-only basis.  CDP Private Cloud Data Services also relies on CDP Private Cloud Base for separated Storage, Data Management, and SDX. The CDP Private Cloud Base pricing model is charged on a node plus variable compute and storage. Our pricing for both CDP Private Cloud products is designed to be market competitive and aligned with modern cloud-based data analytics pricing (compute and storage based). 

The pricing model for CDP Private Cloud Base is updated to reflect these changes.  We still charge $10,000 per node plus a variable compute and storage uplift for nodes that exceed an updated baseline cap of 16 Cloudera Compute Units and 48TB of Storage.


  • We have updated the variable compute uplift, based on a Cloudera Compute Unit (CCU), which is Cores (physical, virtual or hyperthreaded) divided by six plus Memory measured in GB divided by twelve.  The variable compute element is now priced at $100 per CCU for compute above the 16 CCU cap per Node.    
  • For the variable storage uplift, this remains unchanged, CDP Private Cloud Base offers a choice of two types of scalable data storage management capabilities, HDFS or distributed Ozone object storage, both priced by TB, and both with Cloudera SDX security and governance. Both are priced to be market-competitive with other data management offerings.
    • The variable storage uplift for HDFS is unchanged, priced at $25 per TB, for storage above the 48TB cap.

    • The variable storage uplift for Ozone & Third-Party Storage options is unchanged and is priced at $100 per TB, for storage above the 48TB cap. Ozone improves storage cost efficiency by enabling up to 5x greater storage density and greatly simplified storage deployments due to the decoupling of storage from compute. As such, the Ozone & Third-Party Storage options are priced higher than the HDFS storage option. 

CDP Private Cloud Data Services provides container-based data services priced based on compute, more specifically a Cloudera Compute Unit (CCU), which is Cores (physical, virtual, or hyperthreaded) divided by 6 plus Memory measured in RAM divided by 12.  Cloudera has an annual subscription price of $650 per CCU to use the three CDP Private Cloud Data Services provided.  If Machine Learning Data Service is used, a User-based licenses is required in addition to the compute charge. CDP Private Cloud Data Services annual subscription pricing is designed to be consistent with the CDP Public Cloud Data Services hourly pricing.


CDP Private Cloud Base pricing overview

CDP Private Cloud Base Pricing is a blend of fixed node and variable compute and storage. The intent of a blended price model is to provide a smoother transition for existing CDP Private Cloud Base customers as they modernize their server estates. As customer's increase their server compute and storage, the variable compute and storage component results in a modest increase in subscription price, reflecting the scalability value CDP Private Cloud Base provides.


How does variable compute and storage pricing work?

Variable pricing is the term given for the variable compute and storage pricing component described above.  It is variable (compute and storage) as opposed to the fixed node-based pricing component.  

The variable compute and storage uplift is determined by comparing the amount of compute and storage in a customer’s environment to a baseline compute and storage.  

Each Cloudera Private Cloud Base license has a cap of 16 Cloudera Compute Units (CCUs) and 48TB accessed of HDFS, Ozone or Third-Party storage per Node, pooled across an entire cluster or environment.  This means that, if your server estate (per storage type) on average is at or below this baseline, there will be no uplift to your pricing.  If your server estate is above this baseline on average, your subscription list price will increase in line with utilization of the hardware. 

The variable compute uplift is based on the number of Cloudera Compute Units (CCU) above the 16 CCUs per node, with each additional CCU priced at $100. The number of CCUs for a node is calculated as the sum of the number of Cores divided by six plus the amount of memory (in GB) divided by twelve (rounded up to the nearest whole number).  

For the variable storage uplift, CDP Private Cloud Base provides two types of scalable data storage management capabilities: HDFS or distributed Ozone object storage, both priced by TB, and both with Cloudera SDX security and governance. Both are priced to be market-competitive with other data management offerings

  • The variable storage uplift for HDFS is unchanged, priced at $25 per TB, for storage above the 48TB cap per Node.

  • The variable storage uplift for Ozone & Third-Party Storage options is priced at $100 per TB, for storage above the 48TB cap per Node. Ozone improves storage cost efficiency by enabling up to 5x larger storage nodes and greatly simplified storage deployments due to the decoupling of storage from compute. As such, the Ozone & Third-Party Storage options are priced higher than the HDFS storage option.   

Storage is based on Capacity Under Management that is in excess of the per Node storage limits. The definition is documented in the Subscription Product Metric page.


CDP Private Cloud Base Edition pricing

The Base Edition is the base cluster software formerly known as CDP Data Center. It includes the latest Cloudera Runtime, SDX security and governance, and Storage Management for traditional big data cluster management and analytics. 

Pricing is made up of the following components (pooled across clusters or environments):

  • $10,000 per Node 

  • Incremental Variable Compute and Storage Fees

    • $100 per CCU (above 16 Cloudera Compute Units)

    • $25 per TB for HDFS (above 48 TB node cap)

    • $100 per TB for Ozone or any Third-Party Storage (above 48 TB node cap)


CDP Private Cloud Data Services pricing

CDP Private Cloud Data Services adds container-based analytic data services —Machine Learning, Data Engineering and Data Warehouse and management tools.  Pricing for CDP Private Cloud Data Services is $650 per CCU (Cores divided by six plus Memory (GB) divided by twelve). CDP Private Cloud Base is a prerequisite for CDP Private Cloud Data Services. However, both these products run on separate clusters and have different capacity requirements. Machine Learning and Data Visualization requires additional User-based licenses.


CDP Private Cloud pricing example

Below is an example of a customer who wants to use CDP Private Cloud Data Services. A customer would need to first deploy a cluster for CDP Private Cloud Base and then create a separate cluster to run CDP Private Cloud Data Services. Both these clusters will need separate subscriptions and will run on different sets of infrastructure. 

CDP Private Cloud Base Cluster contains: 20 Nodes, 640 Cores, 5,120 GB RAM, and 2,000 TB of Ozone Storage.

  • CDP Private Cloud Base Node List Price:  20 Nodes

  • CDP Private Cloud Base Variable Compute = (640 Cores / 6  + 5,120 GB RAM / 12) - (16 CCUs x 20 Nodes) = 214 CCUs CDP Private Cloud Base Variable Storage = 2,000 TB - (48 TB x 20 Nodes) = 1,040 TB 
  • CDP Private Cloud Base Variable Storage = 2,000 TB - (48 TB x 20 Nodes) = 1,040 TB


CDP Private Cloud Data Service Cluster contains: 320 Cores, 3,200 GB RAM

  • CDP Private Cloud Data Service CCU = 320 Cores / 6 + 3,200 GB RAM / 12 = 320 CCUs

CDP Private Cloud Example


List Price 

Total Fees

CDP Private Cloud Base Nodes

20 Nodes



CDP Private Cloud Base Variable Compute

214 CCUs



CDP Private Cloud Variable Storage

1,040 TB



CDP Private Cloud Base Total Fees



CDP Private Cloud Data Services 

320 CCUs



Total CDP Private Cloud Data Services Fees



Total CDP Private Cloud Base and Data Services Fees


If the customer already had a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster they would just need to purchase CDP Private Cloud Data Services cluster for $208,000.

CDP Private Cloud Current customers

These changes do not affect existing active subscriptions, and existing quotes for expansions and renewals will be honored. These changes do not impact CDP Public Cloud pricing, either.  Your Cloudera Account Executive will work with you to explain the impact of product packaging and pricing.


How does “CGU” pricing work?

This pricing metric called Cloudera GPU Unit (CGU) is determined by the type and amount of GPU cards deployed on the server estate. Please refer to the CGU tables for more information. CGU is the way we license and price GPU Acceleration.

CGU only applies to CDP Private Cloud Base, CDP Private Cloud Data Services and Cloudera Data Science Workbench.  CGUs are priced at $7,500 per CGU.


CDP Public Cloud pricing

Each CDP service—currently Data Engineering, DataFlow, Data Hub, Data Warehouse, Flow Management on Data Hub, Machine Learning, and Operational Database—has discrete rates ($0.XX/hr) for the instance or node types supported by each service that is derived by a published Cloudera Compute Unit (CCUs) per hour and CCU rate per hour.  The number of CCUs per instance is calculated as the sum of the number of cores divided by six plus the amount of memory (in GB) divided by 12.  The CCU calculation is the same calculation in Public as it is in Private Cloud. For Data Hub and Machine Learning, we additionally provide instances that are based on GPUs which are considered in the derived instance rate per hour.  Pricing is “per instance per hour” or “per node per hour” based on the type of service. 

For DataFlow Functions, they are charged per Billable Invocation, a combination of function invocations and function duration. As you use each of the CDP Public Cloud services, you are charged for the services that you use. Please see the rate tables and terms on the pricing page for more details.


Buying CDP Public Cloud

There are two ways to buy—Pay-as-You-Go and Cloud Credits. With either option, you can use any CDP service at any time. You do not commit to a specific “SKU” or set of SKUs. You have total flexibility on using any CDP service. With the Pay-as-You-Go option, you are billed monthly based on what you use and pay based on the published rates. With Cloud Credits, you buy a number of Cloud Credits that you use over a 12-month period.  The more Cloud Credits you purchase, the more that you will save. Any Cloud Credits not used at that end of the 12-month period are forfeited, unless you renew where a portion of your unused credits can be rolled over. Please see the rate tables and terms on the pricing page for more details.

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