CLOUDERA EVOLVE24        La principal conferencia sobre Datos e IA  |  Madrid, 10 de diciembre  

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Cloudera provides a unified platform to assist with security and governance of customer personal data, with the ability to detect breaches, apply controls, review data lineage and perform audits as part of a GDPR compliance program.

Compliance without complexity

GDPR imposes extensive requirements on organizations which can be very difficult to manage across multiple data silos. When you modernize your architecture by migrating data onto Cloudera’s platform, you get a unified security and governance model that may help to make compliance maintenance more straightforward.

Cloudera’s Shared Data Experience (SDX) is the common layer of security, governance and metadata, wherever your data reside—on premises or in the cloud, on any type of storage. SDX components map to the GDPR requirements as follows:

Integrity and confidentiality

Comprehensive encryption and key management with SDX components Cloudera Navigator Encrypt and Ranger KMS. Maintain control of your encryption keys even in a cloud deployment.


Comprehensive audit trail based on Apache Ranger access logs and visualized in SDX’s Data Catalog.

Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency

Classify/tag and track lineage of personal data elements with Apache Atlas, a component of SDX. Your Data Privacy Officer (DPO) can determine exactly where specific customer personal data reside and apply the appropriate controls or produce reports for audit.

Purpose limitation

Fine-grained authorization and redacted data views with Apache Ranger. Your DPO can review how data was used in SDX's Data Catalog based on Ranger access logs.


Apache Kudu can help with fast updates of individual records.

Storage limitation

Apache Kudu can assist with fast erasure of individual records.

Data minimization

Removing or anonymizing data where possible. Integral parts of SDX, Apache Atlas and Apache Ranger can help with tagging the data that can be accessed and imposing a time limit for such access.


Cloudera has a strong ecosystem of partners that provide additional tools for all your GDPR needs: granular data masking, cataloging, anonymization, and pseudonymization.


Data Privacy as a Core Business Process


Simplify your response to GDPR compliance

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